February 22, 2007

Dont run its a trap

Three fests are on in the college still no activity in the campus.
God, I'm getting bored!
No action in my life, nothing specific to work on, no event to participate, i'd never imagined that killing time can also be so boring.
Hope things change with the debate in the evening.

Time 4 pm. I'm with P convincing him hard not to go back home and make my life still more miserable. The fella obliges after 3 hrs of obnoxious begging.
He's one sane dude, who somehow always acquiesces to all my unjustifiable 'requests' (not sure if that's the right word).
So now we periodically (the period being a 2 hr long 1/2 hour) shuttle back n forth from the hostel to the college trying to dodge that godawful feeling-God, I'm getting bored!

Time 7 pm. Damn, no debate today, and suddenly 11 pm seemed 4 aeons away. I'm oh so fed up with those lousy golgappas which i never eat, that much romanticised baba chai which i never drink and those endless chat sessions that always leave me with an empty feeling the next morning . My life so totally sucks. Boy, do i need a break, but how??
Possible answers
-work on fitness
-read more books
-increase general awareness
Sounds like a whole lot of work this but the trouble is the moment i start working on any of these that same old feeling hits me with the fierceness of a Rocky Balboa punch-God I'm getting bored!

It's time i should go home says my inner voice, i bet it's time to go home.
So next morning i prematurely start off on that awful 31/2 hr excursion that i forcibly undertake on each weekend,
the road (thats best when) less travelled.

Time 1 pm. After those adventurous 31/2 hrs
( consisting of - a roller coaster RTV ride, an hour long serene wait for a cab and those princely shared autos)
i'm finally back home.
Those 4 measly butter toasts i had for breakfast are long dead n gone. I desperately need to curb that rising hydrochloric acid in my tummy. 'Dahi,parnthe and sabzi' after 4 days of mess food, not bad at all .
After that sumptuous lunch i hit that cozy bed with a book in hand and off i go to that blissful 'blinking sleep mode' (with avg time of blinking being 15 min). Alas, life's not so bad.

Time 5 pm. I'm pacing back n forth in my room trying to find some means to busy myself.
Switch on the computer and connect to the internet.
15 min of helpless surfing and the innervoice says -naaah this ain't working find something else.
Switch on the TV. Nothing in it either.
Try lawn tennis. Damn, the court is full.
Come back home, eat again and back on the bed but this i am time wide awake.
Suddenly i sense something.
Something coming slowly from behind.
Deja vu.
It's that godawful feeling again-God, I'm getting bored!

1 comment:

ashu said...

well well now that i've finally read it only 1 thing comes to mind and that is kt @ its best.may be the reason is that its almost similar with most of us the activities may be a bit different but the emotions are pretty much the same .i feel so much relieved thats why i'm writing such a large comment that as if it is a blog and not a comment thanks kt.
i mean it